Immanuel Lutheran Childhood Development Center - PreSchool

 All children attending preschool must be toilet trained.  This means they must be able to take care of their bathroom needs by themselves.  Please dress your child in clothes that she or he can easily operate.  Clothes with elastic waistbands are optimal.  In case there is a toileting accident, or other accident that involves wet clothes, please keep a complete change of clothes in your child’s cubby.

The morning session of preschool runs from 8:45 until 11:15.    Please do not bring your child into preschool more than 10 minutes before the start of the session.  Your promptness is required when picking children up.  If your child is ill, or will be absent, please call (232-3443) and let us know.  If your child has been ill, please make sure he or she has had a normal (98.6) temperature for 24 hours.  This is a precaution for those children who are not sick.


Children enjoy bringing and sharing a treat from home.  A Snack Day list will be sent home each month.  When it is your child’s turn to provide the snack we ask you to bring in a juice beverage that is individually boxed, or a gallon of milk along with the snack.  Cleaned and trimmed vegetables are acceptable, Jello Jigglers, as well as fruit and cheese, crackers, pudding, boxes of cereal, GORP and so on.  Please keep nutrition in mind when selecting a snack.  If you are not sure something would be a good choice, please ask your child’s teacher.


Our preschool curriculum provides the child with first-hand experiences.  It is flexible and based on the interests of the child as they occur from day to day.  The curriculum aligns with the Early Learning Standards established by the Illinois State Board of Education and with the curriculum of the Northern Illinois District of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.

JESUS TIME – Chapel on Wednesday mornings, Bible stories, Christian attitudes, songs, and prayers help children learn of God’s love for them.

LITERACY DEVELOPMENT – Through the use of stories, dramatic play, the writing center and puppets, children are exposed to the written word and spoken word to enhance their understanding of language.

SCIENCE EXPERIENCES – By working with snow, ice, plants and everyday objects children learn much about God’s world.

BEGINNING MATH SKILLS – Classifying and grouping objects, understanding number, shape and color concepts are orderly thinking skills children will develop.

SOCIAL STUDIES – Children will explore holidays, health habits, good manners, other cultures and their own selves and families.

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT – Through the use of games, group activities, playing with blocks, finger-painting and assembling puzzles,children develop movement skills and strength.

MUSIC –Group music that involves singing, movement, rhythm and games, makes for lots of fun!

ART - Children learn about color, texture, shape and other concepts while painting, gluing, cutting and coloring.

FREE PLAY – This is time for the child to make his or her own choices.  Social skills such as sharing, using polite manners, and playing appropriately together are practiced and refined.

FIELD TRIPS – out into the community and guests brought in provide additional enrichment.  We have been to the fire station, a farm and the park in previous years.