Confirmation Class 2022


Confirmation class

Our time together is one of teaching and training. We teach the truth of God’s Word as laid out in Luther’s Small Catechism and we train for how we live that truth out in our day-to-day lives. Therefore confirmation is not simply knowledge-acquisition, but rather learning how to do those things which Christians will do for the rest of their lives. This means establishing a culture, a lifestyle, of hearing the Word of God and prayer, not only in the church but also in the home.

Classroom Materials

During our time of instruction, we will use Luther’s Small Catechism and The Lutheran Study Bible. These books are graciously given to our new students by the members of Immanuel at the start of each school year during worship. If unable to attend, the catechuman will be given the books in class.


Servant Events

Our confirmation students are also expected to serve inside and outside the church. There are multiple opportunities in church services for our youth to serve including: acolyting, A/V, Altar Guild Assistance, Lector, etc. We also offer opportunities throughout the year to serve outside the church building such as at Mother Hubbard’s Kiddie Cupboard and the FACC.

Confirmation Information

Questions for the Faith Essay

Choose between 1-3 questions to answer in your essay.

500 words maximum.

1.    Why is Church important to you?

2.    What does your baptism mean to you? Why is baptism comforting to remember every day?

3.    Why do you look forward to receiving the Lord’s Supper?

4.    How do the 10 commandments guide your life?

5.    How does the Apostles’ Creed give you a firm foundation in an ever-changing world…In a world that does not know good/evil & right/wrong?

6.    What does your upcoming confirmation mean to you?

7.    Why is there evil and suffering in the world? What has God done to correct that? What does that look like in my life (How was/is that applied to my life)?